
Outreach is an important part of our work.
Below please find links to some of the organizations are involved with.

BBS Links

Bardet-Biedl Syndrome UK (formally known as LMBBS) was established in 1993 and is the only registered charity supporting people with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, their families and carers in the UK.

BBS International
BBS International is a federation that will enable us to unite our efforts, collect and publish information on the disease on an international scale, increase networking cooperation, improve research avoiding unnecessary duplications.
Axovia Therapeutics
Axovia Therapeutics is dedicated to the research and development of novel AAV gene therapies that target key aspects of ciliopathies, addressing the devastating impact of the disease head-on for patients, their families and caregivers.
Pro Retina BBS
Selbsthilfevereinigung von Menschen mit Netzhautdegenerationen
Forschung fördern – Krankheit bewältigen – selbstbestimmt leben

Seminars and Conferences

FORTHEM Winter School 2023
This Winter School is geared towards advanced students. During the two days,talks will be given online, thus students from all FORTHEM Alliance universitieswill be able to join.

Cilia 2022
Cilia2022 will be the fifth consecutive biennial European Cilia Conference. We initiated this series in London (Cilia2012), followed by Paris (Cilia2014), Amsterdam (Cilia2016, EMBO-funded), and Copenhagen (Cilia2018, EMBO-funded).

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